Page 44 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 44


                evolution is claimed to depend on coincidences, and the very existence
                of an order reveals the existence of a conscious mind. Accordingly, if
                there is an order, it follows that concepts such as evolution, coinciden-
                ce and chance can have no bearing. Signs of creation in seeds are evi-
                dent proofs that they are not the product of evolution but are created
                by Almighty God.
                    Let an example clarify this further. Suppose that you visit an art
                gallery and come across a wall full of drawings, each depicting the se-
                ed of a different plant and its related details. Were you to ask the gal-
                lery director who drew all these pictures, what if you were told, “These
                were not drawn by any artist; they were evolutionarily designed with
                the help of coincidences”? You would find such an answer highly un-
                reasonable, and continue to believe that they were the work of an ar-
                    Just as you would not believe in the “evolutionary design” of
                such drawings, neither would you accept that seeds – living structures
                containing all the information about a plant, which under the right cir-
                cumstances can germinate to produce hundreds of thousands of diffe-
                rent kinds of fruit and flowers – could come into existence as a result of
                unconscious coincidences. So the question should be who essentially
                created these perfect systems, how plants were structured accordingly.
                    With their claims of coincidence, evolutionists can never explain
                the very clear plan in the structure of seeds, a plan that evidently has
                not come about as the result of coincidences. Just as every drawing
                must have an artist, there is someone behind every plan. The perfectly
                planned systems in seeds is the work of God, with His eternal wisdom
                and supreme power. The wisdom that can be seen in every stage of the
                life of plants is clear proof that they are the creation of the Almighty
                    It is He Who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and
                    from it come the shrubs among which you graze your herds. And
                    by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes
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