Page 23 - The Dark Clan
P. 23
C C omments such as, "big fish eat
small fish" suggest that injustices
between people are quite natural
and common. Suggestions like, "don't
even trust your dad" or "don't ever be soft
on anyone" push people into a pitiless in-
dividualism. There are many everyday ex-
pressions circulating which openly or
surreptitiously suggest that qualities like
patience, devotion, and modesty are signs
of naivety.
Careful investigation of one's envi-
ronment will reveal that these kinds of
suggestions are incessantly and systemati-
cally circulated in many countries of the
world via the press, TV stations, advertis-
ing, films, books, comics, and other cul-
tural channels. The same messages are
constantly being pushed and reiterated.
The architects of this propaganda disre-
gard the truths and values which religious
morality brings to human society, and pro-
mote an anti-religious and immoral
world-view instead. Behind this universal