Page 26 - The Dark Clan
P. 26


                                          The Dark Clan

                 immorality with fame and publicity. Hence, people
                 renowned only for the outrageousness of their behaviour
                 constantly feature in the news. This is because immorality
                 constitutes one of the most important sources of income for
                 the clan.
                      The key slogans of today's immorality propaganda are

                 modernity, progress, daring, and freedom. No doubt, to have
                 a modern world-view, to be abreast of current affairs and to
                 be open-minded are good qualities, but the objective of the
                 clan behind these fancy slogans is to present all kinds of im-
                 morality and perversion to people as if harmless and com-
                 monplace. This is why young people, who are largely

                 unaware of the deliberate nature of their exposure to the per-
                 sistent suggestions of the clan, think of immorality as a pre-
                 requisite to progress. Many people today perceive as normal
                 attitudes and behaviour which as recently as ten years ago
                 they would definitely not have tolerated. Not only that, any
                 criticism of this conduct is now believed to be unacceptable.
                 The increase in these attitudes is an indicator of the effective-

                 ness of the clan's propaganda on ignorant people. In most
                 countries, the content of certain TV and popular magazines
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