Page 27 - The Dark Clan
P. 27


                                 The Domain Of The Dark Clan

                 display how widespread immorality is in the form of adul-
                 tery, prostitution, homosexuality, gambling, corruption, and
                 wastefulness, thereby creating in the minds of impression-
                 able people the desire for similar lifestyles.

                      In most countries of the world, a well-proven technique
                 is to use well-known people in order to promote decadence
                 and disseminate immorality in society. Personalities of lim-
                 ited intellect with psychological problems, living in deca-

                 dence and lacking the faculty of comprehension, are
                 portrayed by exemplifying their immoralities as progressive,
                 exciting and daring. The underlying message for the viewer
                 being that this is what it takes if you too want to be progres-

                 sive and "cool". On foreign music channels radical band
                 members wearing outrageous costumes and make-up are
                 given incessant airtime. Deranged people from the margins

                 of society, holding satanist and similar beliefs are frequently

                 The increase in gambling and corruption is another important indicator
                 of social degeneration
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