Page 69 - The Dark Clan
P. 69


                                   very society consists of various
                                   social classes separated by di-
                          E E vides, even if not clear-cut. These
                          divides are in general defined by the
                          moral values, life styles, world-view, cul-
                          tural standards and economic means of

                          the classes in question. Generally speak-
                          ing, the leading elite of society have a
                          more degenerate lifestyle whereas the ma-
                          jority of people try to stay clear and safe of

                          this decadence. The characteristics com-
                          mon to most members of this leading elite
                          are their arrogance because of their
                          wealth, status, office, property, beauty or
                          fame, and the fact that they are leading
                          figures of a decadent way of life.

                               God reveals in the Qur'an that the
                          leading elite among people fought reli-
                          gious values constantly, throughout his-
                          tory and in many societies. In the chapter
                          of the Qur'an entitled Al-Isra, God says:

                               When We desire to destroy a city,
                               We send a command to the afflu-
                               ent in it and they become deviant
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