Page 70 - The Dark Clan
P. 70
The Dark Clan
in it and the Word is justly carried out against it
and We annihilate it completely. (Qur'an, 17: 16)
In another verse God revealed that the deniers mobilise
every possible means to fight the proliferation of religious
Those who disbelieve spend their wealth barring
access to the Way of God. They will spend it; then
they will regret it; then they will be overthrown.
Those who disbelieve will be gathered into Hell.
(Qur'an, 8: 36)
One of the most important features of the dark clan is the
diversity of their members. There are plenty of examples
around of people who stake a claim on being artistic but are bet-
ter known for their decadence rather than their art. Some oc-
cupy decision-making positions in the world of the media,
others influence global trade according to their interest, and
some have even infiltrated governmental organisations in col-
laboration with the clan. However, it must be said that besides
these people in the world of the arts, entertainment and the
media and those who have infiltrated the government, there
are worthy and honest people working in all these areas who
are also disturbed by the activities of the dark clan.
One of the main reasons for the clan's ability to safeguard
its existence is the fact that it has members at every level from
the highest to the lowest. There can be minor differences be-
tween the places where they grew up, between their family
structures and their cultural backgrounds but they are united
behind one imperative: the continuity of the clan's immorality
and the personal benefits they derive from this. Another bond-
ing factor is the similarity of their characters.