Page 75 - The Dark Clan
P. 75


                                 The Structure Of The Dark Clan

                 can lead to the discovery of an even bigger crime. Sometimes
                 the arrest of a junky or a prostitute or the discovery of a
                 racket is enough to make the clan nervous. Just as a pain
                 somewhere in the body causes discomfort to the whole body,
                 the arrest of a drug addict, prostitute, fraudster, corrupt offi-
                 cial or a killer causes unease within the clan. The arrest of one

                 person can sometimes make hundreds or even thousands of
                 people feel uncomfortable. Every person caught has the po-
                 tential to "grass" on the other people he knows and this dan-
                 ger can escalate into a chain reaction, whereby one person
                 can give away many people and thus the whole organisation

                 of the clan could be unearthed and all of its dirty businesses
                 exposed. Most importantly, every single member of the clan
                 could come to harm, one after another.
                     To prevent a potential chain reaction and disintegration
                 of this kind, all the clan members rapidly become engaged in
                 the operation to cover up the incident. For this reason clan

                 members watch developments closely in relation to such in-
                 cidents since they are constantly aware that they themselves
                 may be at risk.
                     Amajor scandal which exploded in Italy around fifteen

                 years ago can be cited as an example in which the circum-
                 stances surrounding the discovery of the P2 masonic lodge
                 led to "Operation Clean Hands". The illegal activities of one
                 Licio Gelli having come to the attention of the police, gave
                 rise to an investigation which eventually led to the exposure
                 of the entirety of P2's activities. Gelli, who was the Grand

                 Master of the lodge, had been engaged in money laundering
                 activities and officers investigating the case decided to search
                 his villa. They found a document listing the names of hun-
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