Page 76 - The Dark Clan
P. 76


                                          The Dark Clan

                 dreds of lodge members and further documents containing
                 information on the secret activities of lodge members ranging
                 from drug trafficking and money laundering to links with the
                 Mafia. The capture of one member led to the destruction of
                 the whole organisation. It all began with the discovery of a
                 list which eventually led to a series of scandals shocking the
                 nation and finally the exposure of the dark clan's "network of

                      Worried that all of its activities may become exposed the
                 dark clan took drastic measures in order to prevent this.
                 Some investigating officials were attacked and others even
                 became the targets of assassination attempts. This case pro-
                 vides many important examples of the methods the dark clan
                 will employ in order to cover up its crimes or when it per-

                 ceives a threat.
                      The clan member's pathetic and paranoid frame of mind
                 is of the sort mentioned in the Qur'an:
                      When you see them, their outward form appeals to
                      you, and if they speak you listen to what they say.
                      But they are like propped-up planks of wood. They
                      imagine every cry to be against them. They are the
                      enemy, so beware of them. May God assail them!
                      How they are perverted! (Qur'an, 63: 4)
                      The unanimity in the clan is an instinctive necessity
                 based on the individual's fear that "I could be next". Their sol-
                 idarity is not the consequence of positive moral qualities like
                 loyalty, devotion, faithfulness and love, but simply results
                 from the criminal code of the underworld fraternity. In dan-

                 ger-free times clan members can afford to give free rein to
                 their internal rivalries and even indulge in some "backstab-
                 bing", to use their own terminology. Within the clan, all rela-
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