Page 78 - The Dark Clan
P. 78


                                          The Dark Clan

                 tions and all dialogues between people rest on self-interest.

                 What looks like solidarity on the outside, is in reality disunity
                 when seen from within.
                      Actually, all these features are typical of deniers and
                 their society, as God has revealed in detail in the Qur'an. One
                 of these verses says:

                      They will not fight against you all together as a
                      group except in fortified towns or behind high
                      walls. Their hostility towards each other is in-
                      tense. They are full of bravado in each other's
                      company. You consider them united but their
                      hearts are scattered wide. That is because they
                      are people who do not use their intellect.
                      (Qur'an, 59: 14)

                      The sense of solidarity based on self-interest is compati-
                 ble with the Darwinist ideology. According to Darwinist
                 dogma, living beings will only display solidarity if it is in
                 their own interest to do so as determined by nature. At all
                 other times they are competitors in the struggle for survival
                 and will do anything for their own survival in this struggle.
                      The solidarity of the clan which exists in this world will
                 totally disintegrate on the Day of Judgment. On that day, they

                 will come face to face with the clear truth and they will not
                 find the strength to unite with one another in their denial and
                 against the welfare of good people as they did all their lives.
                 They will have surrendered to what God will give them in re-
                 turn. God says in this matter:

                      [They will be asked:] "Why are you not helping
                      one another?" No, today they come in absolute
                      submission. They will confront each other, ques-

                          The clan's solidarity is only based on self-interest which is what
                                                   the Darwinist mentality requires
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