Page 83 - The Dark Clan
P. 83


                                 The Structure Of The Dark Clan

                     hereafter, and bar access to the way of God,
                     wanting to make it crooked; they are greatly
                     misguided. (Qur'an, 14: 3)
                     The life of this world is nothing but a game and a
                     diversion. The abode of the hereafter – that is
                     truly Life if they only knew. (Qur'an, 29: 64)

                     3- Discretion and secrecy is one of the foremost princi-
                 ples of the clan. Every member feels responsible for covering
                 up the other's immorality and crimes. To defend the other
                 means to defend oneself. For this reason the care and atten-
                 tion paid to keeping one's own activities secret is paid to

                 those of everyone else, this shows that one of their biggest
                 fears is the exposure of their immoral behaviour. Just the
                 thought of their guilt is enough to make them nervous. This
                 is their worst nightmare, because they want to be highly re-
                 garded in society and accepted as respectable people of good
                 repute. Each member of the dark clan aims to be seen as in-

                 nocent and blameless even though they commit fraud, lie
                 and cheat. He is well aware of the danger to his interests if
                 this image of blamelessness were to be damaged.
                     4- Besides all these fears there is also the fear of losing
                 everything for reasons of social change. This one weighs

                 heavier than all of the others. The most frightening change
                 for the clan is where religious morality becomes dominant in
                 society thus spelling the end for immorality, injustice, and in-
                 equality. For the clan this would mean that it would never be
                 active again in any way. Throughout history, this has been the

                 reality for all dark clans. They have always been wary even
                 afraid of devout believers and Muslims who endeavour to
                 spread religious morality. In a verse of the Qur'an:
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