Page 84 - The Dark Clan
P. 84
The Dark Clan
You are a greater cause of dread in their breasts
than God! That is because they are people who
do not understand. (Qur'an, 59: 13)
As stated clearly, those who have declared war on God's
religion are very much afraid of the Muslims, particularly
with respect to the ideological struggle the believers wage
against irreligious systems. In reality, the only being to fear is
God. The clan members, on the other hand, do not fear God,
His power or the Day of Judgment, but because of their hope-
less ignorance they fear instead that their ideology will be
wiped out by the Muslims.
5- There is yet another fear that haunts clan members:
that the clan should lose its authority. For the clan, numbers
are important and it wants to increase them constantly. The
more clan members there are, the greater the extent of the
propaganda. In the case of danger, each individual member
will act for the clan, it will become easier to suppress oppos-
ing voices and therefore easier to protect itself. This is why
anyone who has had any dealings with the clan is quickly
sucked in and then never again permitted to leave.
Partnerships founded on the evil and wicked deals of
the clan prevent anyone who has become involved from leav-
ing even if he wanted to. The dark clan has its own culture of
authority, violence and force. Just like in the primitive
African tribes of the past, unforgiving rules apply. The clan is
absolutely merciless when a member decides to go his sepa-
rate ways. Allowing even one of them to depart could mean
great dangers for the future of the clan, since there is always the
possibility that this individual might confess to his involve-
ment in the clan and reveal its structure. Therefore, members