Page 82 - The Dark Clan
P. 82
The Dark Clan
isolation. Apart from losing their share in the collective prof-
its, to be alone means that the clan member cannot continue
to exist. He will have lost the protection and support of the
clan which increases the likelihood of his activities being ex-
posed and his certain downfall. Because of this every clan
member will do his best not to become an outcast. He would
rather participate in the immoralities, crimes and perversions
of the other members and defend them to the best of his abil-
ities. Being accomplices in crime creates the mentality of in-
2- Another important fear of the clan is, as mentioned,
the loss of benefits. As there is no religious belief in the dark
clan, worldly ambitions constitute the only goal in life.
Obtaining high office, status and material wealth is for the
clan member more important than anything else. For these
people, values like patience, devotion, loyalty and good char-
acter mean nothing. People are thus judged by wealth rather
than character. They will respect even the most contemptible
people in the world provided they are rich and powerful and
can benefit them. By the same token, they can disrespect and
be ruthless towards honourable people of good character if
they are not considered to be wealthy or powerful or that
they are of no use to them in the pursuit of their own advan-
tage. This is because they do not believe in the hereafter and
think this world to be all there is to it. According to their false
reasoning, life is only about this world therefore they must
take advantage of everything this life can offer. The Qur'an
describes the people of this mentality and their attitude to life
in this world and the great mistake they make:
Those who prefer the life of this world to the