Page 72 - The Dark Clan
P. 72


                                          The Dark Clan

                       God revealed to us their common character traits in the
                       But do not obey any vile swearer of oaths, any
                       backbiter, slandermonger, impeder of good, evil
                       aggressor, gross, coarse and furthermore, despi-
                       cable, simply because he possesses wealth and
                       sons. When Our Signs are recited to him, he says,
                       "Just myths of previous peoples!" (Qur'an, 68: 10
                       – 15)

                       It is of great importance to bear in mind these character-
                  istics when reading the information on the dark clan pro-
                  vided over the coming pages. This is necessary in order to
                  better understand the psychology of the clan members.

                       There is a hierarchical structure within the clan. There
                  are the leaders and their supporters but as a principle, they
                  act as one body in a highly organised fashion. Every mem-
                  ber's responsibilities are clearly defined. There is also a task
                  sharing mechanism in place between members where every

                  member knows what to do without it being explicitly stated.
                  For example, while one member sings the praises of deca-
                  dence using a fancy and philosophical terminology, another
                  becomes the role model of this glamourised way of life. Yet
                  another member will protect him if something goes wrong

                  because of his immorality or because of a crime he may have
                  committed. Some members use the press as a propaganda
                  tool to aid their brother in need and others misuse their state
                  powers to protect him from potential harm. The defence
                  mechanism, as will be seen in the coming pages is a funda-

                  mental feature of clan life and assures its continuity.
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