Page 258 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 258

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                      The war is hotting up                         Nearly 2
             Son Havadis, September 24, 1980                   mil  lion deaths

                                                                               August 3, 1988


              The Iraqi Army in Iranian territory               Yeni Asya, September
                                                                21, 1980

                  This part of the had ith states that a dis pute will arise be tween the
              two sides, stem ming from ex treme na tion al ism. Because of that dis pute,
              they will de scend to Yazi (the Plain of Iraq), and war will be gin.
                  "Allah will not give vic to ry to any one of the ar mies..."
                  Further, as not ed by the had ith, the Iran-Iraq war last ed for eight
              years. Despite the many thou sands of cas u al ties, nei ther side could claim
              vic to ry or a de ci sive su pe ri or i ty.

                  3. A great battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates:

                    There will be a city called Zawra [Baghdad] be tween the Tigris and the
                    Euphrates. There will be a great bat tle there. Women will be tak en pris -
                    on er, and men will have their throats cut like sheep. (Muntakhab Kanz
                    al-'Ummal, vol. 5, p. 38.)

                  Quite like ly, this had ith calls at ten tion to the Iran-Iraq war, which
              saw many great clash es be tween these two Muslim coun tries. Heavy
              bom bard ments re duced vil la ges, towns, and cit ies to rub ble. Women, eld -
              er ly peo ple, and chil dren lost their lives. After the war, the mass graves
              un cov ered that the cas u al ties were far high er than an tic i pat ed. The fact
              that conflict, disorder and anarchy are still going on in the region is in
              complete agreement with the hadith.

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