Page 260 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 260

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                    Soon the riv er Euphrates will dis close the treas ure [the moun tain] of
                    gold. So, who ev er will be present at that time should not take any thing
                    of it. (Sahih Bukhari)

                  (1) ... the River Euphrates dries up...
                  As-Suyuti men tions this had ith as "the stop ping of wa ter." The Ke-
              ban Dam, built in 1975, has ac com plished this.

                  (2) ... unveils the mountain of gold...
                  The sur round ing land has be come as val u a ble as gold for var i ous
              rea sons, for the Keban Dam has en a bled elec tric i ty pro duc tion and high -
              er soil fer til i ty through ir ri ga tion and trans port fa cil i ties.
                  The Keban and oth er dams lin ing the Euphrates re sem ble a con crete
              moun tain, and wealth as val u a ble as gold comes out of it. Therefore, these
              dams take on the prop er ties of "the gold en moun tain." (Allah knows the

                  (3) There will be con flict over this wealth, lead ing to many deaths
                  Because of the wide spread an archy and disorder that still per sist in
              the re gion, those who buy land there may suf fer loss es. As the had ith puts
              it, they will ei ther die or be killed.

                  5. Lunar and solar eclipses during Ramadan:

                    There are two signs for Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)... The first one is the lu-
                    nar eclipse in the first night of Ramadan, and the second is the solar
                    eclipse in the middle of this month. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl
                    al-Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 47.)

                    The solar eclipse in the middle of the Ramadan, and the lunar eclipse
                    at the end... (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi
                    Akhir az-Zaman, p. 37.)

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