Page 308 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 308
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
31. Days of anarchy and disorder:
The Hour will come when vi o lence, blood shed, and an archy be come
com mon. (Muntakhab Kanz al-'Ummal)
... [At that time,] fitnah (tribulation), disorder and rebellion will be
many, and people will kill one another... (Death, The Last Day, The
Hereafter and Signs of the End Times, p. 482, no. 901; Kitab an-Ni-
haya, Ibn Kathir, 1/131.)
This much is cer tain, there will be some peo ple in the near fu ture who
cause con stant dis pute and di vi sion. (Death, The Last Day, The Here-
after and Signs of the End Times, p. 376, no. 685.)
Anarchy and con flict were among the most ob vi ous fea tures of the
twen ti eth cen tu ry. In count less wars, re bel lions, and con flicts, great num -
bers of peo ple died, and se cu ri ty and peace be came one of the sur vi vors'
great est long ings. The seem ing ly un end ing civ il wars in some African
coun tries, re bel lions in many coun tries (es pe cial ly in Central and South
America), wars and clash es through out Asia, and con flict in the Middle
East are on ly the most ob vi ous ex am ples of this disorder.
Vatan, January 17, 2003
Anarchy on the rise!