Page 312 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 312
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
34. The destruction of great cities:
Great cit ies will be ru ined, and it will be as if they had not ex ist ed the
day be fore. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi
Akhir az-Zaman, p. 38.)
When de vel oped pla ces are ru ined, then the Judgment Day is no fur -
ther away than the dis tance be tween your two fin gers. (Muhammad
ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat as-Sa'ah, p. 143.)
There will be ru ins all around the world. Ultimately, Egypt will al so
be ru ined. But un til Basra is de stroyed, Egypt will re main se cure. The
ru in of Basra will be be cause of Iraq's de struc tion. Meanwhile, the
down fall of Egypt will come with the dry ing up of the Nile...
(Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 530.)
The ru in of great cit ies spo ken of in these had iths brings to mind the
de struc tion that now aris es from war and nat u ral dis as ters. In ad di tion,
re cent ly de vel oped nu cle ar weap ons, air craft, bombs, mis sil es, and oth er
weap ons have caused un told de struc tion, bring ing about a lev el of dev -
as ta tion here to fore un known. Indeed, the great cit ies tar get ed are most
af fect ed by this de struc tion.
35. Rebuilding of ruined places:
The re build ing of the ru ined pla ces in the world, and the ru in a tion of
con struct ed pla ces, are signs and por tents of the Judgment Day.
(Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat as-
Sa'ah, p. 138.)
The re con struc tion of these ru ins is a fur ther sign of the End Times.
As stat ed in the pre vi ous sec tion, many cit ies were re duced to rub ble dur -
ing the twen ti eth cen tu ry and thus had to be re built, among them Berlin,
Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), and Dresden.