Page 338 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 338
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
53. Violent rain:
The Hour will not come un til there has been rain which de stroy all
dwell ings. (Ibn Ahmad Hanbal)
An increase in rain and a reduction in grass... occur because the Judg-
ment Day is near. (Muhammad ibn 'Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji, Al-
Isha'ah li Ashrat as-Sa'ah, p. 137.)
The Hour does not come un til all mud-brick build ings, ex cept for the
stone ones, col lapse. (Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, Musnad, vol. 13, p. 291, no.
Heavy rains and the sub se quent floods are among the great nat u ral
dis as ters that cause many cas u al ties. In re cent years es pe cial ly, such
events have caused se ri ous ma te ri al dam age and killed many peo ple
through out the world. The floods that af fect ed Europe in re cent years are
an ex am ple. Heavy down pours hit al most all of Europe, caus ing floods
and sub merg ing por tions of many large cit ies.
The sea son al mon soon rains that struck India, Nepal, and
Bangladesh in 2002 left be hind 900 dead. In China, mud slid es caused by
heavy sum mer rains killed 1,000 peo ple in August 2002. Following the
flood ing in Europe in 2002, fur ther floods in 2006 af fect ed many Euro-
pean coun tries, es pe cial ly Hungary, but al so Romania, Serbia, the Czech
Republic and Slovakia. In 2007, thou sands were left home less in flood ing
in the Indonesian cap i tal, Jakarta, while strong rain in July that year led
to flood ing that af fect ed some 1 mil lion peo ple in Great Britain.