Page 339 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 339

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                54. An increased amount of lightning:

                  Thunderbolts will in crease so much as the Hour ap proach es that when
                  a man comes to a group of peo ple, he will ask, "Who amongst you was
                  struck by a thun der bolt this morn ing?" and they will say, "So and so
                  and so and so was struck." (Ibn Ahmad Hanbal)

                  Earthquakes will de stroy your homes, light ning will burn your herds,
                  turn ing them in to coals. (Nu'aym ibn Hammad)

                The had iths re late that the in creased amount of light ning is a sign of
            the Judgment Day. As weath er sta tis tics in di cate, the loss of pos ses sions
            and the in creased num ber of deaths due to light ning have be come far
            more fre quent in re cent years. In 1998, for ex am ple, 11 soc cer play ers were
            killed in Congo when light ning struck their field. Similarly in 2001, light -
            ning hit a foot ball field in Mexico and killed six peo ple. Aside from these
            in ci dents, light ning kills many peo ple and an i mals each year.
                Data from China show that each year, light ning strikes are in creas -
            ing in fre quen cy at a spe cif ic rate. The num bers rose from 7,625 in 2003 to
            8,892 in 2004, 11,026 in 2005 and 19,982 in 2006. In 2006, light ning strikes
            killed 717 peo ple in China alone.  Lightning burns 400 homes

            Turkiye, January 20, 2003                           Turkiye, January 20, 2003


                  strikes plane

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