Page 336 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 336

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  52. Winds and tornadoes:

                    The Judgment Day will not hap pen un til ten por tents are seen. The
                    tenth is a tor na do that will hurl peo ple in to the sea... (Muhammad ibn
                    'Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat as-Sa'ah, p. 288.)

                  These are the most im por tant dis as ters aris ing from cli mat ic chan ges
              that have oc curred in re cent years:
                  On October 1987, the larg est storm since 1703 hit south east England.
              Around 15 mil lion trees were felled, a great part of the for ests dis ap -
              peared, 16 peo ple died, build ings were dam aged, and ships were driv en
              on to the shore.
                  On March 20, 1998, 12 peo ple died dur ing the tor na do in Georgia.
                  On 27 March 1997, 27 peo ple died in a tor na do that hit Texas.
                  Storms in Bangladesh on 13 May 1996, were es ti mat ed to have killed
              be tween 500 and 1,000 peo ple. The same storms al so led to 30,000 peo ple
              be ing in jured and 100,000 left home less.
                  The dam age caused in the Gulf of Mexico alone by Hurricane An-
              drew in 1992 was around $500 mil lion, and ap prox i mate ly $250 mil lion in
              the Bahamas. And 2 mil lion peo ple in the east ern USA were forced to
              leave their homes.
                  Floods in cen tral and east ern parts of Europe in August 2002 caused
              114 deaths. The most vi o lent storms in South Korea for 40 years, on 21
              September, 2003, led to around 200 fa tal i ties over the course of two days.
                  In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina dev as tat ed eight towns and cit ies
              in Mississippi, de stroy ing 80% of New Orleans and caus ing the deaths of
              2,000 peo ple. It is re gard ed as the sec ond-worst storm in American his to -
              ry, with dam age costs to tal ling around $81.2 bil lion. With the col lapse of
              the bar ri ers constructed to pro tect the city against flood ing al most all the
              city was in un dat ed. This may cor re spond to the de scrip tion of "a storm
              that will cast peo ple in to the sea" giv en in the had ith.
                  Hurricane Sidr, which struck Bangladesh with wind speeds of up to
              250 km/hour (155 miles/hour) in 2007, end ed in the loss of 3,200 lives

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