Page 351 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 351

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                66. Economic problems and social inequalities:

                  People will prosper until the ninety-fifth year, that is, their business
                  will prosper. In the ninety-seventh and the ninety-ninth year, their
                  possessions will go to waste... (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-
                  Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 54.)

                It is high ly prob a ble that "nine ty-fifth year" re fers to the year 1995,
            when peo ple had a rel a tive ly bet ter life and its con di tions had not be come
            so dif fi cult. Indeed, as de scribed in the had ith, dur ing that year peo ple
            had enough in come to earn a liv ing and had some pos ses sions. However,
            dur ing 1997 to 99, the econ o my de te ri o rat ed, pov er ty spread, and pos ses -
            sions lost their val ue. Such an event can hap pen very quick ly, as ex em pli -
            fied by Argentina's re cent eco nom ic cri sis.
                One eco nom ic is sue re port ed in the End Times is a de crease in earn -

                  Everyone complains of low earnings... The rich are respected because
                  of their wealth... (Alamat al-Qiyama, p. 146.)

                  Stagnation in the markets and falls in profits... (Alamat al-Qiyama, p.

                According to these had iths, the End Times will see so cial in us ti ces
            as well as eco nom ic cri ses, and na tion al wealth will not be dis trib ut ed
            equal ly:

                  Allah's Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said,
                  "When my people do fifteen things trial will alight on them." He enu-
                  merated these things as follows: "When the booty is taken as personal
                  commodity [circulating only through the hands of the rich and power-
                  ful, never being touched by the poor]..." (Tirmidhi, Fitan: 39, [2211])

                This state of af fairs, de scribed by our Prophet (may Allah bless him
            and grant him peace) as one of the signs of the Judgment Day, is cur rent -

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