Page 182 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 182
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
things must bow their heads to Allah, Who has created them all,
and thus they will live happier, more peaceful lives. They will be
freed from having to prove themselves to others, worrying about
the kind of impression they give, and such negative emotions as
hatred, anger and envy. Knowing that all things are an illusion,
they will not compete with illusory entities or harbor hatred and
enmity as a result. In an environment in which everyone has sub-
mitted to Allah alone, modesty, submission, affection, love and
honesty will prevail.
Whether or not someone accepts this fact in this world, he will
still see matters very clearly when he dies and is subsequently res-
urrected in the Hereafter. On that day, “sight is sharp” (Surah Qaf,
22), as Allah tells us in one verse. People will become much more
aware of all things. If he has spent his life in this world pursuing il-
lusory aims, he will wish he never lived there.
As revealed in another verse, people will have great regrets:
[He who is given his Book in his left hand will say,] “If on-
ly death had really been the end! My wealth has been of no
use to me. My power has vanished.” (Surat al-Haqqa, 27-29)
Those who realize in this world that our Lord is the only ab-
solute Entity will thus be saved from terrible regrets in the
Hereafter. They will use the term allotted to them in earthly life to
gain Allah’s approval and to live in the manner commanded by our
Lord. They will see the meaninglessness of ascribing any impor-
tance to this world, and that the path to ease, comfort and happi-
ness lies in living for Allah, without becoming caught up by earth-
ly desires. This is a great blessing and easing of their burden. False
desires that wear people down, false expectations and idols adopt-
ed in the false belief that they are divine (Surely Allah is beyond
that) will all disappear entirely. People will realize that it is our
Lord, the One and Only, Who pervades and enfolds all things.