Page 185 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 185
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
That is why the fundamental truth about matter is so alarm-
ing to materialists.
In the past, matter’s essential nature was a concept recognized
and openly expressed by only a few thinkers and scientists. But it
is now an irrefutable truth made this certain for the first time. Now
raised with certain scientific proof, this subject is not something
that even materialists can deny. In the light of the facts revealed by
quantum physics, matter—materialists’ sole foundation—has been
shown to be an illusion within the perceptual world created for
man by Allah. What was formerly imagined to be the concrete ba-
sis of our entire existence, has suddenly become an abstract con-
cept. Materialists’ greatest evidence, which they thought they
could employ in the most powerful manner against belief in
Creation, suddenly vanished in the light of these scientific discov-
It was not just atoms and molecules that were found to be il-
lusory entities. So were houses, cars, giant ships, the sky, moun-
tains, planets, space and even the human body itself.
The claim regarding matter, which materialists had adopted as
their own deity (Surely Allah is beyond that), had finally come to an
Materialism was left with no evidence to support it. The exis-
tence of matter, from which materialists drew strength and in
which they placed their trust in their struggle against religion, has
now become inexplicable.
This is a glorious snare that Allah has laid for the deniers. The
facts showed those who imagined that they could oppose Him that
the false idols they so trusted as being unshakeable were all illu-
sions. The claims of materialism, which they had imagined to be
so powerful, are now openly contradicted by the eternal might
and power of Allah. No doubt that all the snares that they them-