Page 186 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 186
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
selves have set are now doomed to fail.
They plotted and Allah plotted. But Allah is the best of
plotters. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 54)
Sooner or later materialists, who have lost all their founda-
tions in the face of His glorious order, must face the life of the
Hereafter that they once denied. And like all others, they will have
to account for themselves in the Presence of Allah. In the Hereafter,
any who adopted what is visible and tangible in the life of this
world will realize that they have awakened from a dream and that
they expended all their efforts for the sake of a dream. Yet the re-
gret they feel in the Hereafter will be one from which there is no es-
Allah tells us in the Qur’an that:
Arguing in it with one another, they will say, “By Allah, we
were plainly misguided when we equated you [the liars]
with the Lord of all the worlds. It was only the evildoers
who misguided us, and now we have no one to intercede
for us; we do not have a single loyal friend. If only we
could have another chance, then we would be among the
believer!” There is certainly a sign in that, yet most of them
are not believers. (Surat ash-Shu‘ara’, 96-103)
So long as he remains in this world, a person still has the op-
portunity to see the truth and to turn to Allah. Having believed in
materialism all one’s life does not mean that one must persist in
that error until death. Espousing a philosophy that has been out-
worn, and expending one’s life in its pursuit is not behavior in
which any rational person of good conscience can engage. The im-
portant thing is not to persist in this after seeing the truth and to
grasp that truth, which in any case becomes crystal clear with