Page 191 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 191
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
why the devil did this potential intelligence evolve? It couldn’t
have arisen for learning Latin in English schools. It couldn’t have
evolved for learning the calculus, even though almost anyone who
tries hard enough can master it. What was the selection pressure
for the emergence of these latent abilities?” 117
Since Wallace believed that organisms evolved by being de-
scended from one another via unconscious processes, he wanted to
discover how this imaginary theory could account for the develop-
ment of human intelligence. However, since such a thing never ac-
tually happened, he was unable to come up with any logic to back
up that claim.
In Wallace’s words:
. . . when all modern writers admit the great antiquity of man, most
of them maintain the very recent development of intellect, and will
hardly contemplate the possibility of men equal in mental capacity
to ourselves, having existed in prehistoric times. 118
Ramachandran provides the following clarification:
Both the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon cranial capacities were actu-
ally larger than ours, and it’s not inconceivable that their latent po-
tential intelligence may have been equal to or even greater than that
of Homo sapiens. 119
In fact, even Darwin openly admitted that his theory could
not explain the development of human intellect, and stated that his
theory could be deemed invalid for that very reason:
. . . as man differs so greatly in his mental power from all other ani-
mals, there must be some error in this conclusion [i.e., that man de-
scended from some lower form]. 120
That being so, what was the explanation for this major devel-
opment that evolution could not account for? Wallace’s answer
was this: It was done by Allah. According to him, human grace was
an earthly expression of “Divine grace.” 121