Page 196 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 196
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
Advances in science revealed that the cell was not a fluid-
filled balloon, as Darwin had imagined, but an irreducibly com-
plex structure consisting of many highly complex organelles and
possessed of intelligent mechanisms.
The discovery of DNA represented perhaps one of the most le-
thal blows to the theory of evolution. This giant molecule, contain-
ing all the genetic information of living things, was far too complex
to have developed by chance, and also had too delicate a structure
to permit any change to take place within it. According to evolu-
tion, living things changed in their descent from one another by ac-
quiring entirely new structures, organs, and features belonging to
other life forms. The facts revealed by the science of genetics, how-
ever, showed that this could not happen in the manner claimed by
Darwin. No scientist could dispute the complexity revealed by ge-
Accordingly, Darwinists felt the need to concentrate on ele-
ments that might lead to alterations in the genetic structure. The
only mechanism they could find for that purpose, in their own eyes
at least, was mutations. They quickly adapted a new theory, neo-
Darwinism, and claimed that the “mechanism” of mutations
brought about genetic change.
However, these people—all of them scientists—interestingly
ignored that 99% of mutations are harmful or even fatal to the or-
fossil Coelacanth