Page 197 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 197
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
ganisms, while the other 1% have no effect at all. Even under
controlled laboratory conditions, it was impossible to bestow
new genetic information on organisms by way of mutations, much
less to turn them into more advanced life forms. On the contrary,
every mutation either deformed an organism or led to its death. It
thus became obvious what kind of effect mutations would have in
an uncontrolled natural environment.
The conclusions revealed by paleontology and the facts dem-
onstrated by genetics forced evolutionists to make constant new
adjustments to their theories. Once genetics eliminated the possi-
bility of evolution by means of natural selection, they put their
hopes on mutations. And as paleontology revealed the truth about
the fossil record, they resorted to the concept of “punctuated equi-
librium.” All the undeniable evidence against evolution revealed
by science left the theory of evolution with no explanations to offer
and left it totally bankrupt. The new modifications made to the the-
ory never led to the results evolutionists had hoped for, not a sin-
gle piece of evidence supports evolution.
Every claim made by the theory was discredited. All the
claims made by evolutionists were scientifically refuted. Yet evolu-
tionists knew that one subject in particular demolished all
their claims right from the outset, and they open-