Page 236 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 236
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
Since most people wish to be in control of their own lives,
they reject the fact of destiny. Yet they fall into a serious error by
doing so, because whether or not they wish to, whether they admit
the fact or not, people live their own destinies. People’s very deni-
al is also appointed in their destiny!
It will be useful to recall that living in submission to one’s des-
tiny is a great blessing and brings great peace of mind. People ex-
perience great panic and distress if they think that events are actu-
ally under their own control. They then imagine that every event in
the future will be their own responsibility, and they feel the weight
of every event on their own shoulders. They feel that they must re-
solve all difficulties on their own. Unable to see the auspicious side
of the functioning of events, they experience great distress in the
face of events. They grow proud in the face of the triumphs they
achieve, which feeling may result in serious harm in this world and
in the Hereafter. The difficulties they experience, on the other
hand, lead to increasing pessimism, emptiness and stress.
But knowing that every event takes place within a destiny de-
termined by Allah and believing that all events are created for
good is one of the greatest blessings a
person can enjoy. Living in submis-
sion to the destiny appointed by
Allah means accepting His
will and voluntarily submit-
ting to every event deter-
mined by Him. People
will then be freed from
the feeling that events are
under their control, will
feel rid of troubles, will
know that they are