Page 241 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 241

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 Allah. All these events lie concealed in the memory of Allah. For
                 example, people’s state at this precise moment, as a fetus, in pri-
               mary school, at university, first day at the office, when they cele-
               brate their 35th birthday, when they see the angels at the time of
               their death, when they are buried by their relatives and the mo-
               ments when they account for themselves in the Hereafter—all ex-
               ist as a single moment in His Sight.
                    Those who sincerely submit to Allah may hope to attain His
               approval, mercy and Paradise, and will live in peace and happiness
               in both this world and the Hereafter. For someone who has submit-
               ted to Allah and who knows that the destiny created by Him is the
               most auspicious for them, there is nothing to fear, or regret or sor-
               row over. Such people will make genuine efforts, but will know
               that these are all in their destiny, and that they have no power to
               change what is written in their destiny, no matter what they may
                    A believer will submit to the destiny created by Allah, will
               embrace, as much as he can, the events he encounters, will take
               precautionary measures and seek to turn all events in an auspi-
               cious direction, but will live in the awareness and ease imparted by

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