Page 237 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 237

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 living events that are already over and done with, and will enjoy
                 the peace of mind that this imparts. Submission to destiny is a
               great blessing for anyone who knows that all things are created to
               be auspicious. Even events that may appear to be troubles or diffi-
               culties are in fact positive and eventually result in great good.
                    When considering the concept of destiny, some people take
               the fact that everything is predetermined to imagine that there is
               no need for them to do anything. Yet this is a major distortion of the
               concept of destiny. True, everything we experience is determined
               in our destinies—before we experience them, those events have al-
               ready taken place in the Sight of Allah and all its details are writ-
               ten down in the Lawh al-Mahfuz (the Preserved Tablet) in His
                    However, Allah gives every human being the feeling that they
               are able to alter events and act in accordance with their own deci-
               sions and choices. When one is thirsty, for example, one does not
               sit down and wait, saying,“I will have a drink—if that is in my des-
               tiny.” One gets up, takes a glass and drinks. In fact, of course, one
               drinks the amount of water determined in one’s destiny. But one
               nevertheless feels that one is doing this in accord with one’s own
               wish. That feeling is experienced in everything we do throughout
               our lives. The difference is that someone who has submitted to the
               destiny created by Allah knows that despite the feeling he does
               things of his own accord, he actually performs them by the will of
               Allah. Others who have failed to grasp this fact mistakenly imag-
               ine that they do everything with their own intelligence and
                    For example, a submitted person who learns that he has con-
                tracted a disease will be resigned, since he knows that this is his
                destiny. He will say, “Since Allah has created this in my destiny,
                there must be an auspicious element to it.” He will not sit back
                    and do nothing saying “If I am destined to recover, I

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