Page 40 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 40
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
uncommonly experience as “out there” arises both in our minds
and in what we believe is objectively shared reality. 24
According to Wolf, the definite scientific truth regarding elec-
trons cannot possibly be comprehended in terms of known physi-
cal or mathematical concepts. In any case, however, we are never
in direct contact with the realities in the outside world. It is impos-
sible for us to step beyond our own perceptions.
The double-slit experiment can be repeated with all sub-atom-
ic particles. The results will always be the same, because quantum
mechanics rules the entire universe. True, when billions of atoms
combine to give rise to any large object or a human being, the prob-
ability of this interference effect ever being observed decrease
sharply. But this does not mean that the laws of quantum physics
have ceased to apply. This process is now just not observable.
Therefore, this fact applies to all of matter.
According to the Washington University math-
ematician Thomas McFarlane, the large objects
we encounter in our daily lives are not objec-