Page 45 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 45

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 perience with everything they perceive.
                 They apply the lack of purpose that ma-
               terialism ascribes to matter to themselves,
               imagining that there is no reason for their
               existence on—or departure from—the
               Earth. Since they are unable to see and be-
               lieve in the proofs of the existence of
                                                                 Stephen M. Barr
               Allah, they expect Him to appear to them
               as a corporeal entity (surely Allah is beyond that). They believe that
               entities were never created, for which reason they never want to ac-
               cept the existence of a Creator.
                    Using materialism as a pretext, they try to seek to deny the ab-
               solute existence of Allah and His creation. The collapse of materi-
               alism has eliminated that pretext and revealed full proof of the ex-
               istence of Allah.
                    Particle physicist Stephen M. Barr expresses this:

                    Science has taken us on just such an adventure. Armed not with
                    weapons but with telescopes and particle accelerators, and speaking
                    by the signs and symbols of recondite mathematics, it has brought us
                    to many strange shores and shown us alien and fantastic landscapes.
                    But as we scan the horizon, near the end of the voyage, we have be-
                    gun to recognize first one and then another of the old familiar land-
                    marks and outlines of our ancestral home. The search for truth al-
                    ways leads us, in the end, back to God.  30
                    Believing that there can be direct experience of matter as it ex-
               ists, is itself conjecture. There is no evidence of this in this world, of
               which we conceive through our perceptions. We can see and touch
               the world only through our perceptions. It is impossible for us ever
                to make direct contact with the actual material world outside. The
                universe is not timeless and eternal, but had a beginning and will
                have an end. There is no “aimlessness” at any point throughout
                    the universe, as materialists claim. The entire universe

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