Page 42 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 42

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                  tively existing matter, either. According to him, “the appearance
                  of an objectively existing world independent of observation is an
                illusion.”  25
                     What quantum mechanics has scientifically proven is that the
                objective world exists in a concentrated wave form. According to
                physicists, the main problem that misleads people is that the world
                observed through our perceptions is high in convincing detail,
                sharpness and clarity. Yet the outside world never actually reaches
                us. We can never see the external reality, the original of the mater-
                ial world existing “out there.”
                     Our daily lives present an image highly inconsistent with the
                external realities. Therefore, the question arises of which one—
                whether the physical reality or what appears to us so sharp and
                clear—should be regarded as valid.
                     Thomas J. McFarlane states that the answer can be found by
                drawing a comparison.
                     According to him, we can imagine modern-day scientists go-
                ing back 3000 years in the past and meeting with people who imag-
                ine the Earth is flat. The scientists politely tell them that they are in
                error on the subject, and that the Earth is actually spherical.
                     These people then ask the scientists, “how could you have
                come by such an insane idea?” The scientists will be unable to pro-
                vide a single piece of evidence to prove their thesis, under the con-
                ditions and state of knowledge of that time. They, on the other
                hand, are quite capable of explaining that the Earth is flat, on the
                basis of all their experiments and the evidence they’ve gathered.
                They use the concept of plane geometry to measure out land and
                chart road maps, and find nothing in this that conflicts with their
                  daily experience. In the same way, when they look at a wide
                  open expanse or the sea, they say that they can see no curvature
                  and so claim that there is no evidence showing that the Earth

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