Page 69 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 69
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics describes
this state of affairs:
To the surprise of many, the world “out there” has turned out to be
quite unlike our experience of it. Consider our experience of the col-
or green. In the physical world there is light of a certain frequency,
but the light itself is not green. Nor are the electrical impulses that are
transmitted from the eye to the brain. No color exists there. The green
we see is a quality appearing in the mind in response to this frequen-
cy of light. It exists only as a subjective experience in the mind. 37
Like light, colors are an interpretation by the brain. The
brightness in the image and the world of color are formed solely by
types of radiation we perceive in this manner.* The interpretation
is entirely subjective.
Richard L. Gregory, Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology
at the University of Bristol, sums up the position in his book, Eye
and Brain:
Strictly speaking, light itself is not coloured: it gives rise to sensa-
tions of brightness and colour, but only in conjuction with a suitable
eye and nervous system. 38
Any damage or structural alteration that occurs in the eye
may cause the same object to be perceived in very different ways,
even though the signals generated by the arriving photons and the
visual center in the brain still have exactly the same properties.
That is why color-blind people and those with normal vision per-
ceive and interpret specific colors so very differently.
The conlusion emerging from this whole account is that what
we perceive as “the outside world” is dark. In fact, even the con-
cept of darkness may be misleading. There is no color at all there.
The three-dimensional, bright world we see portrayed in vivid
* All light waves consist of electromagnetic radiation. The reason why some are
harmful and others not lies in the different wavelengths—and therefore,
energy—they possess.