Page 71 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 71
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The common wisdom is that modern science has removed the color
from the physical world, replacing it with colorless electromagnetic
radiation of various wavelengths. 39
In the same book, Dennett quotes from an introductory book
on the brain by Ornstein and Thompson:
“Color” as such does not exist in the world; it exists only in the eye
and brain of the beholder. Objects re-
flect many different wavelenghts of
light, but these light waves them-
selves have no color. 40
Since color is concerned
with the way in which a per- Since color is related to the in-
son perceives external light, dividual’s mode of perception,
it is impossible for us to know
there is no way in which we whether or not the world we
can know whether the world perceive looks the same to oth-
er people. An object we per-
we perceive is the same for
ceive as red may be a complete-
any other person or not. You ly different shade for someone
else. There is no way of com-
can never know whether the
paring their perceptions of
color that someone else sees “red” with our own.
as “red” is the same red that
you see. For us, the concept
of “colorful” may actually
express millions of dif-