Page 15 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 15
Allah reveals that the first prophet was the
Prophet Adam (pbuh). The Prophet Abraham
(pbuh) lived after the Prophet Noah (pbuh) and ac-
cording to the Qur'an, he is a descendant of the
Prophet Noah (pbuh) ( Surat as-Saffat: 83). Many of
the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) descendants were
prophets as well, such as the Prophets Isaac,
Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David,
Solomon, Zacharia, John, Jesus and Muhammad
(peace be upon them all).
Historical sources record that the Prophet
Abraham (pbuh) lived in Mesopotamia. The Qur'an
informs us that he and his son, the Prophet Ishmael
(pbuh) built the Ka`bah. This confirms the historical
accounts that the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) did in-
deed live in the Middle East.