Page 17 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 17

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

               that the majority of the Middle East, at the time of the Prophet
               Abraham (pbuh), was a pagan land. Allah chose the Prophet
               Abraham (pbuh), by honoring him with prophethood, as His
               pure servant to represent the Divine religion and proper moral
               virtues in the midst of these misguided pagans.

                    Our Lord reveals that the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) tribe
               carved statues made of stone or wood and then as a great de-
               viance they regarded them as false deities  and worshipped
               them. Although devoid of power and life, these pagans believed
               that these idols could either harm or help them. Due to these su-
               perstitious beliefs, they blindly followed the misguided belief
               system of their ancestors and passed it on to the next one.

                    Allah revealed to the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) that He
               was the Creator of everything in the universe and that those
               who believed otherwise were utterly mistaken. Although his
               tribe wanted him to live and think like them, the Prophet
               Abraham (pbuh) turned his back on his tribe's traditional belief
               system, rejected its false deities, and declared that only Allah
               truly existed. In order to deepen and reinforce his faith, Allah

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