Page 18 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 18

The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  showed the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) proofs of His power and
                       Because of that, We showed Abraham the dominions of
                       the heavens and Earth so that he might be one of the peo-
                       ple of certainty. (Surat al-An'am: 75)

                       Although he grew up among pagans, the Prophet
                  Abraham (pbuh) exhibited such a very superior character and
                  such an excellent moral understanding that he finally separat-
                  ed himself from them and devoted himself to Allah. But he did
                  not content himself with this separation alone, for he then
                  sought to explain Allah's existence to them and called them to

                  belief in Him. Most people of his tribe, however, refused to ac-
                  Remains found in Mesopotamia depict the local societies' idolatrous and
                  superstitious belief system. In this picture, King Tukulti-Ninurta of Assyria
                  bows before the light and fire-god Nusku, who is symbolized by a throne.

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