Page 33 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 33
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
were corrupted over time and so moved away from their orig-
inal nature: not ascribing partners to Allah (the greatest sin)
and living solely to earn His good pleasure. As a matter of fact,
there are many parts conforming to true religion and good
morals in the Torah and the Gospel of our day.
The love and respect felt by both present-day Christians
and Jews for the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) unites them in a
common foundation with Muslims. Members of these three di-
vinely revealed religions therefore share a common belief in
Allah, which they have inherited from the Prophet Abraham
(pbuh), and seek to serve Him. On the other hand, it is clear
that the error of trinity held by some Christians is a deviant be-
lief and a great sin, and this is revealed in the Qur'an. However,
the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) pure natural belief is a common
word between the Muslims and the People of the Book. Allah
reveals in the Qur'an that Muslims have invited them to this
common word:
Say: "O People of the Book [Christians and Jews], come to
a proposition that is the same for us and you—that we
should worship none but Allah, associate no partners with
Him, and take no one of us as lords besides Allah." If they
turn away, say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims." (Surah
Al 'Imran: 64)
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) Spreads the Religion
Every prophet was charged with informing his tribe of
Allah's commands and prohibitions. Our Prophet (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace), the light of all the worlds, who
called people to true religion within idolaters of Mecca, the