Page 34 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 34
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
Prophet Noah (pbuh), the Prophet Salih (pbuh) (of Thamud),
the Prophet Lot (pbuh), the Prophet Shuayb (pbuh) (of
Madyan), the Prophet Moses (pbuh) (of the Children of Israel),
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and all other prophets informed their
tribes of Allah's existence and called on them to live by the true
religion's moral values. However, these prophets often found
that the majority of their tribes denied Allah and rejected them
and even initiated multifaceted struggles against them consist-
ing of vile slanders, threats, and aggression. In some cases, they
resorted to forced expulsion, arrest, or martyr the prophets
with their imprudent minds to prevent them from performing
their tasks Allah charged them with. Allah reveals how the
traps set for the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and
grant him peace) will end in failure:
When those who do not believe were plotting against you
to imprison you, kill you, or expel you: they were plotting
and Allah was planning, but Allah is the Best Planner.
(Surat al-Anfal: 30)
As stated earlier, the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) tribe wor-
shipped statues that their ancestors had made from stone and
wood in grave irrationality. The Prophet Abraham (pbuh), who
had the determination and the powerful faith to single-hand-
edly tell them of Allah's existence and oneness, was sent to
guide them from their blind devotion to their ancestors' pagan-
ism into the light of His religion.
Throughout history, the majority has often decided which
ideas and beliefs are to be accepted as true. Given that it is dif-
ficult to stand up against the majority in societies that are far
from religion, many people eventually agree, either willingly
or unwillingly, to submit to ideas and beliefs that they know to