Page 35 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 35
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
be wrong. The prophets and the believers who followed them,
however, always opposed the unbelieving majority and dis-
played enormous courage in the face of the ensuing pressure,
threats, or attacks. They remained loyal to Allah's religion by
scrupulously performing their religious observations and abid-
ing by our Lord's commands out of their fear and awe of Him,
as well as their complete trust in Him.
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh), whom Allah praised as be-
ing "a community in himself" (Surat an-Nahl:
120), stood alone against his father and his
entire pagan tribe. He patiently explained
why their idols could never attain any di-
vine quality and that Allah was the only
true God. When necessary, even by
standing against the entire community
in order to tell the truth, his opposition
to his tribe's paganism, as well as his
method of challenging their super-
stitions and working to guide
them to the true path despite
The majority of Mesopotamian so-
cieties worshipped the Sun and
the Moon. It is believed that Naram
Sin, king of Akkadia, was deified
by the moon god and possessed
extraordinary powers.
(Side) A victory inscription of King
Naram Sin and his pagan people
who prostrated to the Moon.