Page 59 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 59

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

               number of beauties. The way a human being is born, grows,
               eats, drinks, walks, moves, speaks, and laughs—in short,
               everything in life—happens by Allah's will. As the Prophet
               Abraham (pbuh) reveals, our Lord Allah heals sick people, by
               restoring them to health. Unless Allah wills, no medicine or

               doctor can restore anyone to health.
                    Allah creates humanity and, in the same way, will take
               each person's soul at the moment of his or her death. Even be-
               fore a person is born, Allah has already established the length
               of his or her life, what will happen to them, and all that they
               will say and do. In other words, people do not control their des-
               tiny, for Allah has written it even before the person is born.

                    Allah created this world as a testing arena and then sent
               messengers to lead others to the true path by means of revela-
               tion. On the Day of Judgment, every human being will have to
               account for what he or she did while in this world. Believers
               who spend their lives doing good in the hope of earning His
               good pleasure and mercy will meet with countless blessings.
               Allah, Who is most merciful, forgiving, and loving toward His
               servants, has promised to cover the evil deeds of His servants
               on the Day of Judgment, to forgive their mistakes, and to re-

               ward them with the countless blessings of Paradise.
                    Remember that human beings have no power to bring oth-
               ers to the true path, for their only responsibility is to relay His
               message. In fact, this is a religious obligation for all believers.
               Whether or not an unbeliever turns to faith depends totally on
               Allah's guidance, for no one can believe unless Allah so wills.
               Indeed, despite the strength that the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

               acquired from his faith in Allah, his pagan tribe, who had no
               fear of Allah and ignored their consciences, persisted in their
               denial. In fact, they went so far as to threaten the Prophet

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