Page 60 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 60

The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  Abraham (pbuh) with death by fire. Thus, all believers must
                  devoutly and determinedly call those around them to the true
                  path and not despair if they are ignored and persecuted.
                       In one verse, our Lord states that "... It is the truth from
                  your Lord; so let whoever wishes believe and whoever wish-

                  es disbelieve" (Surat al-Kahf: 29). In another verse Allah re-
                  veals to our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
                  that "Perhaps you will destroy yourself with grief because
                  they will not become believers" (Surat ash-Shu'ara: 3). In
                  Surah Yusuf, Allah reveals that "But most people, for all your
                  eagerness, are not believers. You do not ask them for any
                  wage for it. It is only a reminder to all beings" (Surah Yusuf:

                       One reason why the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) tribe per-
                  sisted in their denial was their concern for their own interests.
                  Their pagan belief system provided them with various worldly
                  advantages, and any change to the established order would
                  conflict with those interests, just as our Prophet's mission (may
                  Allah bless him and grant him peace) upset the Meccan leaders,
                  who enjoyed enormous commercial profits due to Arabia's pa-
                  ganism. This is actually a law that Allah has decreed for His

                  prophets. As Allah states in the Qur'an, the prophets have al-
                  ways been opposed by their tribe. They have been threatened
                  with death and subjected to slander, and sometimes have even
                  been accused of sorcery, madness, and ascribing their own
                  words to Allah. In sum, those who accused the prophets had no
                  hesitation about resorting to such falsehoods as asserting that
                  the prophets were on the wrong path while they were on the

                  right path.
                       However, these people are laboring under a cloud of irra-
                  tionality, for while mistakenly trying to protect their own in-

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