Page 61 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 61
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
terests, they are actually condemning themselves to eternal suf-
fering. Allah has revealed the fate of those who rebel against
His prophets, those role models of pleasing moral values, god-
liness, and deep faith:
... They have brought down anger from Allah upon them-
selves, and they have been plunged into destitution. That
was because they rejected Allah's signs and killed the
prophets without any right to do so. That was because
they disobeyed and went beyond the limits [that Allah has
established for humanity]. (Surah Al 'Imran: 112)
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) Entraps the Idols
According to the Qur'an Allah gives those who fear and
hold Him in awe the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
This great kindness and superior blessing is restricted to the be-
lievers. The methods the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) used to call
his tribe to belief, as well as his decisions and styles of presen-
tation, are all important examples of this great blessing.
One example is the trap he laid for his tribe's idols. Given
that he was all alone and operating in a dangerous environ-
ment, he took certain precautions to prevent bodily harm and
to make sure that Allah's message would be heard. For exam-
ple, he told the unbelievers around him that he was ill so that
they would go away:
And [Abraham] asked his father and his tribe: "What are
you worshipping? Is it falsehood—deities besides Allah—
that you desire? So what are your thoughts about the Lord
of all the worlds?" He looked at the stars and said: "I am
sick." So they turned their backs on him. ( Surat as-Saffat: