Page 66 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 66
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
made, and believed that their idols could influence the work-
ings of the universe. According to this superstitious belief, idols
could make and implement decisions and could punish or re-
ward human beings. In other words, these pagans believed that
inanimate matter could create and control human beings. Allah
reveals this terrible mistake and great sin in the Qur'an. For ex-
Allah does not forgive anything being associated with
Him, but He forgives whoever He wills for anything oth-
er than that. Anyone who associates something with Allah
has committed a terrible crime. (Surat an-Nisa: 48)
Those who defend Darwin's theory of evolution follow a
very similar superstitious and deviant concept, for they believe
that certain elements (e.g., carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium,
magnesium, and iron) as well as muddy water containing var-
ious minerals, somehow acquired a supposedly superior pow-
er and free will over the course of time and by chance. The
Darwinists claim that life emerged from the mud over time and
by coincidence. Supposedly, this trio of muddy water, time,
and chance decided to form all of the beautiful things in nature,
animals, and, most importantly, conscious human beings.
The origins of this superstition lie in the fallacious belief
that inanimate substances are actually entities that possess in-
telligence and willpower, and that can make and act upon de-
cisions. In other words, they regard matter itself as something
divine. Based upon this false concept, Darwinists maintain that
everything in the universe developed on its own as the result of
chance, and that every entity is regarded, together with chance,
as supposedly divine. However, those who look at all of the an-
imate and inanimate things that surround them, beginning