Page 68 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 68

The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  with their own bodies, will see that the universe is the work of
                  the Almighty Allah, Who possesses infinite intelligence and
                  knowledge. Every detail, from our own planet to the flawless
                  harmony within our own bodies, from the equilibrium between
                  the galaxies, as well as the stars and all other celestial bodies, to

                  our world with all of its countless blessings, proves the exis-
                  tence of an infinitely compassionate and loving Creator: Allah,
                  Lord of the worlds.
                       Our Lord has revealed this manifest truth, which everyone
                  can discover for themselves, to humanity through such mes-
                  sengers as the Prophet Abraham (pbuh). Yet for some reason,
                  many people throughout history have rejected this truth and

                  have insisted on denying His existence. In His final revelation,
                  Allah describes the position of such people:
                       They have sworn by Allah with their most earnest oaths
                       that if a sign comes to them, they will believe in it. Say:
                       "The signs are under Allah's control alone." What will
                       make you realize that even if a sign did come, they would
                       still not believe? We will overturn their hearts and sight,
                       just as when they did not believe in it at first, and We will
                       abandon them to wander blindly in their excessive inso-
                       lence. Even if We sent down angels to them, the dead
                       spoke to them, and We gathered together everything in

                  Darwinists believe that all living and non-living things created themselves
                  by means of various chemical and physical properties of atoms, mole-
                  cules, natural forces and objects, and with the help of chance. However,
                  even in the most ideal Darwinian-inspired environment, it would still be im-
                  possible for anything to emerge. If evolutionists placed all of the atoms,
                  enzymes, hormones, proteins, and whatever other elements they wish into
                  the vat in the picture, mixed them by whichever methods they choose, and
                  then nourished them for as long as they wished, no living thing, or even a
                  cell of a living thing, will ever be produced.

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