Page 72 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 72
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
This can be clearly seen in popular publications that sup-
port the theory of evolution. Such publications make frequent
reference to various Darwinist idols, the greatest idol of which
is Mother Nature. Those who defend this misguided belief
think that every development and change in the universe (e.g.,
the countless beauties in living things, the life and death of all
living beings, and natural disasters) comes about by the direc-
tion and will of Mother Nature. As a result of grave ignorance,
they reveal their misguided beliefs in such unreasonable ex-
pressions as a gift from nature to humanity when speaking of one
of nature's beauties, or the wrath of Mother Nature when refer-
ring to a disaster. However, they can never explain from where
Mother Nature receives her power, nor what she really is. Of
course, this is a very ugly and irrational claim to make. Such
people ascribe partners to Allah and attempt to base their per-
verted beliefs on an allegedly scientific foundation. Professor
Philip Johnson, a contemporary critic of Darwinism, describes
the theory of evolution and modern materialist philosophy in
general as a kind of idolatry:
… denial is always a temptation, and outright atheism is only the
most superficial form of denial… Another time-honored strategy [of
denial] is to ... [substitute] something we can control. This is called
idolatry. Primitive tribes make idols of wood or clay. Sophisticated
modern intellectuals make idols of their theories, still employing the
word God … but in such a way that it adds nothing to chance and
the laws of nature. All who pursue this strategy are substituting the
created thing for the Creator, and this is the essence of idolatry. 3
Indeed, substituting the created and helpless entities for our
Lord, Who created the whole universe from nothing (surely Allah is
beyond all that which they falsely ascribe to Him), has always
been one of paganism's main themes. The Prophet Abraham