Page 76 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 76
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
Believers must not forget one very important fact: The im-
portant thing is not to attest to a truth on the surface through
words; what really matters is to grasp this truth within one's
heart. Darwinists have accepted the truth of Creation in their
hearts, and their desire to conceal their true thoughts does not
alter this fact. Furthermore, this reveals an important truth in-
formed in the Qur'an: "Only a small community will believe"
(Surah Ghafir: 59).
Believers are responsible for explaining the truth as many
times as required, to develop new methods and styles in order
to reach those who do not understand, and to wage a wide-
ranging intellectual struggle to inform people of His religion in
the best manner possible. Believers who engage in this struggle
must be humble and fully submitted to Allah, for only Allah
can lead those who listen to them to the true path.
While relaying His message, the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
was most patient and set an example to others with his humil-
ity and submission to Allah. In all situations, he knew that
Allah was with him, believed that even the most difficult times
and situations were created by Him, and that our Lord would
always bring everything to the proper conclusion. Therefore,
he persisted in the face of the threats from his tribe
and placed his trust in Allah, since he
knew that the end result was in His
hands. In return for this most
pleasing humility, Allah al-
ways granted him strength
and success.