Page 80 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 80
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
The Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) Intellectual Struggle
As mentioned earlier, the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) tribe
persisted in their denial and tried to engage him in a debate. On
the other hand, the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was patient in
every situation and displayed a superior morality by taking
Allah as his Guardian and giving thanks to Him. When talking
with his tribe, he always provided concrete proofs and, thanks
to the superior wisdom inspired in him by Allah, gave the most
effective examples and employed a most convincing method.
His moral values were pleasing to Allah, and he always ap-
proached people with affection and compassion.
By means of his plan Allah revealed to him, the Prophet
Abraham (pbuh) eliminated the fundamental bases of his
tribe's pagan superstitions by proving that they were irrational,
illogical, and contrary to Allah's revelation.
Whereas his tribe and his father Azar sought to employ the
most unjust methods against him, the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
limited himself to working on the level of ideas and demon-
strated how important the intellectual struggle was. His oppo-
nents sought to stone him, exile him, and even martyr him, but
he responded to their threats in a balanced and proper manner.
Such behavior is part of the morality that pleases Allah and that
He wills believers to adopt:
A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the
bad with something better and, if there is enmity between
you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend.
(Surah Fussilat: 34)
The Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) complete submission to
Allah, as well as his powerful faith, sincerity, submission, and
purity strengthened him in the face of his tribe's hostility and