Page 82 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 82
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
greater determination to live such a life. Therefore, such a life
may be more esteemed. (Allah knows the truth.) In these terms,
too, Allah made the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) superior to all of
his tribe.
Some present-day people despair because, seeing their fel-
lows deny Allah's existence and lead lives far removed from
the Qur'an's moral values causes them to lose their enthusiasm
for gaining His good pleasure. However, even if the whole
world were to deny Allah, Muslims would still have the duty
to submit sincerely to Him and live in the manner that earns
His good pleasure. In the verse, "Abraham was a community
in himself, exemplary, obedient to Allah, a man of pure nat-
ural belief. He was not one of the idolaters" (Surat an-Nahl:
120), Allah reveals that this servant turned only to Him and
lived according to the true faith all by himself. Therefore, all be-
lievers must display the same determination and refuse, no
matter what the circumstances, to make concessions when con-
fronted with the unbelievers' deceptions and snares.
The Wish to Burn the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
Angered that their idols had been smashed, the pagans de-
cided to take their revenge upon the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
by burning him to death. As Alla reveals in the following verse:
They exclaimed: "Build a pyre for him and fling him into
the blaze!" They tried to outwit him, but We made them
the lowest. (Surat as-Saffat: 98)
In another verse, Allah reveals their hostility, as follows:
The only answer of his [Abraham's] tribe was to say: "Kill
him or burn him!" But Allah rescued him from the fire.